Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Last weekend of freedom (at least for Lulu)

So Aug. 14-16 weekend we wanted to enjoy the last weekend that we could enjoy before residents move in and all the craziness starts. I flew back from an on-campus interview on Friday the 13th. Saturday morning I had to close my summer school operations. As soon as I was done, we packed up the kids and headed out to Cape Henlopen State Park in Lewis, DE. Usually it takes an hour and a half to get down to the beaches but today it almost took us two plus hours due to travel. But once we got there we were set. We splashed in the water and relaxed on the sand. Sadly, Carlita had woken up that day with a fever and a bad "woofing" cough so we only lasted two hours on the beach but it was worth the trip. We got home, went to eat at the dining hall, and was early in bed.

On Sunday, it was a rainy day so in the morning Luke and Karl went to church and Carlita stayed with me because she was sick. I did take her food shopping with me, and some other work shopping. But the evening came and it was time for Lulu to get back to work.

Summer is over for this family. We really took advantage of all opportunities to enjoy ourselves. Wish it could last longer.

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