Friday, January 21, 2011

Breaking News: Sickness overcomes the Luka family

Everyone, and everyone has caught whatever it is that now resides in our home. Last week when Carlita was off with her tia, she threw up four times. In my office there's been an awful stomach bug going around and people have to take one to two days off. "Not me.. I won't get this.. I never get sick" I told myself. This past Wednesday Luke threw up twice. Poor baby. That should have been a sign.

Then at 4:30pm at the end of my work day I wasn't feeling so good. hmmm... what's up with my belly? Off to the bathroom. Hmm... I'm not feeling so hot. By the time I walked from my office to the train station (10 minutes) I was sweating and ready to pass out. I had to lean against a sign to hold myself together. My friend, co-worker, and fellow blogger, Gina (aka hiyaluv) was with me and asked if I was okay. No I wasn't. 10 minutes into our train ride home I threw up badly! I was so lucky to have a box of food that I was taking home for the family to hold all that puke. Really it was disgusting! And then I passed out and Gina had to wake me up when we arrived in Newark. Somehow I drove home, walked into the house, and was in bed by 7:30pm. I spent the time sweating and hoping for no re-occurrence. Instead, I spent quality time with my friend, the toilet. My intestines were so loud that you thought trains and planes were going by. Really so disgusting! The next 36 hours I stayed home from work. At moments I was fine, nothing wrong so I would eat food. No that was a big no no. Next minute I was back with my BBF for at least an half hour.

So now it's Friday night and I think it's over for me but you know what ... Karl just threw up and is having a cheating relationship with my BBF (actually you can have her Karl I really don't need to see her again for a while). It's all quiet in the house at 9pm and I'm ready for bed. I really hope Karl is the last one to have this bug and we can have a good weekend. Otherwise, it's going to be a long weekend.

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