So winter has been tough this year. Lots of snow and coldness. Finally we are getting some nice weather here. On one day it was 70 degrees. The kids and I started our garden out back and were so excited for spring to be here. We went to a local park where we met up with one of "mom" girlfriend and her kids. Carlita is helping out with a "flat Stanley" project so he came along as well.
The next day, I had purchased tickets to Longwood Gardens from Groupon so one Sat. we all went off to the gardens. It wasn't as nice as the day before but still nice. They have a very nice outside kids' garden but with the weather nothing was in bloom. We did get to be "queen bees"
The inside garden is amazing. Carlita took hold of my camera and went crazy. She took amazing shots of the flowers. So much to see but our favorite is the Children's garden. The kids got to play around in water and all type of things. Then we went out side to the treehouses. Again amazing designs and so much to see. So we're ready for spring to come - please come fast!
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