October came so fast this year. With everything going on, I wasn't able to work on our costumes until the weekend prior to Halloween. Lucky for me, the idea was simple - be the Incredibles! This was easily done by getting red long-sleeve sheets and red pants for each one of us (Karl ended up wearing black pants). then I went to Jo-Ann Fabrics to get the other materials like the black for the collar, orange for the belt, the masks, and felt for the logo (I used black felt with a sticky back to stick to the shirt - the other felt colors were glue gun on). the black gloves for the kids were a $1 from Target. So each costume came out to be roughly $10-15. (adults clothing cost me). My gloves were my prom gloves from the '90s (they always come in useful), and long black socks since I couldn't wear boots due to my broken toe. The hardest part of the costume (which wasn't that hard) was sewing on the black collars.
We looked great in our costumes and we went trick-n-treating in our new neighborhood with other kids we knew. We started at 6pm and ended by 7:30pm. the kids got a load of candy - 100 pieces which Luke ate more of it in one sitting. He was ready to fall over with a sugar high. Once we got back from the evening, Luke went to bed and the rest of us actually watched the Incredibles movie. It was a great way to end a wonderful night.
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